Achtergrond afbeelding

Visit Us

Opening hours

The observatory is open from September to May on:

Google Maps satelliet beeld


Our observatory is on the edge of the national park Zuid Kennemerland in Overveen, with the entrance located at Zeeweg 15. It is cycling distance from Haarlem, but far enough to still enjoy darkness a little bit.

Pay attention: Lectures are often at a different location. Check your reservation for the address.

VIew the directions

Route to our observatory

Pay attention: Attention: If you come by car, you will find the entrance to the observatory on Zeeweg, at number 15 (2051 EB). You can open the gate there if it is closed, and drive on to our parking lot. On the Zeeweg you will find signs that will lead you to us.

There is an entrance on Tetterodeweg, but this is only accessible for cyclists. Parking is not allowed at the gate on Tetterodeweg.

Google maps screenshot met route beschrijving
Borden langs zeeweg

By car or by bike

By train

By bus


Our hall is accessible via a wheelchair ramp. Lectures are given there every evening, and we have a rotating exhibition, as well as a small shop where we sell books, photos, and star charts.

Our dome is not accessible by wheelchair, however, we do have a special telescope that we can take outside and use while sitting in a wheelchair. Setting it up takes a while so it's nice if you could mail us about your visit in advance at This way we can prepare for your visit.

© 2025 Volksterrenwacht Copernicus.